Nuevo récord de participación
Aprende con los nosotros desde la base
Una temporada cargada de eventos
Si quieres que tu hija o tu hijo aprendan a patinar, este es tu lugar
Conce más a fondo nuestra historia
The week of January 11 to 15, training for safety is suspended after the heavy snowfall in recent days and the closure of the CDM Aluche. We return on Monday 18.
We have given a change of look to our website as well as to our domain. From now on you will find us at CAPAMADRID.ORG With this change we want you to find us more easily and for the information we provide you to be quick to locate.
These days we began to make the sheets of the Madrid Skating Federation to our associates.
The CAPA Technical Team is organizing a new Trophy for the second half of January in the Free and Initiation categories and in the Only Dance modality in order to create activities that can make up for the absence of unofficial competitions in these times of COVID -19.
On Thursday 17 and Friday 18 December the first Christmas Festival took place. On this occasion and due to limitations due to COVID-19, the festival was held behind closed doors.
Our coach Lourdes has held a Christmas campus during the Christmas season aimed at preparing the season and preparing discs for championships and tests.