The beginnings
Club Aluche Figure Skating, began its journey in 1982. It is one of the first Clubs in Madrid to be registered with the Higher Sports Council. Our history has lasted for more than 30 years. What started out as a small group of friends in love with figure skating has become a club with tradition. We have managed to be competitive at all levels, being respected both inside and outside our Community and thanks to the good results of our skaters, even at a National and International level.
The Club has champions of Spain in individual and female categories, runners-up in individual male categories, these skaters have repeated several years on the podium both Autonomous and State, participating in international championships.
In these years, the successes have been changing. In the modality of Dance Couples, the Club had several couples of international level, winners of Spanish Championships and with experience in the European Championship.
Latin Trophy Groups Show
In 2003, a new discipline appeared to which we fervently joined and in which we remain dedicated body and soul: Show Groups. Our skaters have managed to be Autonomous Champions since their first intervention in the Large Group modality.
Also in Small Groups, we have managed to stay among the top five in Spain.
Separate chapter deserves our International Latin Show Trophy. In 1998 it was decided to create an annual trophy in order to serve as an exhibition between clubs and at the same time promote the beautiful sport of figure skating. Years later, thanks to the collaboration of regional and municipal institutions, the Royal Spanish Skating Federation, the Madrid Skating Federation and various private entities, we have managed to consolidate this event and elevate it to International category and every year, they visit us teams from France, Portugal or Italy, to name an example.
Over the years, this event has gone from exhibition to International Trophy in Show mode. Every year we break participation records and of that, we are proud. Proud and satisfied to have been pioneers and to try to maintain the quality of the event year after year.
In our facilities we have gathered more than 1,400 skaters willing to fight to win our precious trophy. A challenge to prepare, organize and execute.
Spring Trophy
We do not understand this sport without a good foundation and that is why since 2003 the Spring Trophy has been held. This trophy is dedicated to the Municipal School of Artistic Skating that we own and that was created after the signing of an agreement with the Madrid City Council. Every year, our skaters participate in this event in order to measure themselves against other Municipal Schools and Clubs in the region. We believe that it is the best way to promote the beginner level categories.
Villa de Vallecas Festival
We have always been motivated by the promotion and teaching of this sport. For this reason, in 2006, when the possibility arose of organizing an annual Festival, together with the Villa de Vallecas District Board, we did not doubt it. We trust that year after year there are more people who come to our world and end up loving it just like we do. In this way the Villa de Vallecas Festival was born.
CAPA partners, skaters and supporters
We also have to thank all the partners (parents), coaches and managers who with their efforts have made the Club Aluche Figure Skating
have come this far. There are too many years of history in which, no matter how excited we were, without their collaboration and selfless work, this structure would never have been maintained.
We trust that these lines bring you closer to our club and help us to continue the work begun more than 30 years ago and thus, in this way, we can continue to benefit young people and the whole family of figure skating. From this website that began in 2007 you will find that you will be able to communicate and keep up to date with what your club is, has been and will always be.
To this we add social networks as a way of not losing contact with what began more than 30 years ago.